To keep growing your member after puberty, you need to use some penis enlargement methods. That means most men will achieve their largest natural size in high school. The first thing to know is that the human penis typically stops growing about 5 years after puberty begins.
Some are true, but some are totally false. There are a lot of rumors out there about the natural factors that influence human penis size. He says since he became famous, he gets calls from women he doesn’t even know who “just have to try him out.” What Makes a Penis Big? The smallest penis on an adult male without a medical condition was 0.39 inches, according to the Guinness Book.īut don’t worry about that guy. Average circumference while erect is 4.8 inches.The average human penis is 3.5 inches long flaccid, and 5.1 inches long erect.Some numbers to keep in mind while you’re reading about the heavy lifters walking among us ( source) It’s fine to just throw names and numbers at you, but without a little context it’s not very useful.
So, what is the most a human penis has to offer? Who’s got it? What does he do with it?Īnd how much should you care about people having members of that size? I mean, nobody serious about mountain climbing avoids talks about Everest, and everybody who’s into martial arts talks about Bruce Lee. No serious discussion of enlarging your penis would be complete without a look at the upper limits of what is possible.